Today I'm sharing my festive easy-bakes with you. All I ask is that you don't tell the world just how easy they are to make. We want to impress without the stress, but we don't want folk thinking no effort has been made, do we?
When the calendar turns to December 1st up goes
the cry for a continuous flow of two particular eats in our house – sausage
rolls and mince pies. The production line (aka me), is then in operation until
around December 22nd when I pack up the rolling pin and parchment
and stuff the family full of Quality Street and Yule log to ensure a bit of
balance. The marathon baking stint might sound impressive but I promise you
there’s no stress involved in keeping up with demand.
For the sausage rolls you will need -
One pack of pre-made puff pastry (at room temperature)
The very best sausage meat you can source
1 beaten free range egg
Pepper, a variety of dried herbs or dried chilli flakes (or
any other dried addition you fancy)
Ma Larkin style apron
Classic fm belting out carols, or depending on mood/taste
Smooth Xmas belting out Wham
One glass of fizz, mulled wine or similar as reward for hard
What you need to do with it all -
Roll out the pastry on a floured board and cut into 2 wide
Arrange sausage meat along centre and brush pastry with egg
Sprinkle liberally with pepper, herbs etc. alternatively
leave plain
Roll to create two long sausage shapes, brush with more egg
wash and sprinkle top with any flavourings you have used to help identification
when baked
Cut to required lengths
Bake for 10 mins at 220 and a further 20-25 mins at 180
until golden and crisp
Finally, top up your glass again, you’ve worked hard after

It couldn't be simpler and the mince pies are every bit as easy to make!
For the mince pies you will need -
One pack of pre-made short crust pastry (at room temperature)
A ready made jar of mincemeat
1 beaten free range egg
A star shaped pastry cutter for that festive flourish (optional)
Ma Larkin style apron
Classic fm belting out carols, or depending on mood/taste Smooth Xmas belting out Wham
One glass of fizz, mulled wine or similar as reward for hard work

What you need to do with it all -
Roll out the pastry on a floured board and using a cutter, cut out circles large enough to fill the size of your baking tray
place a pastry circle into each hole
Spoon in one not too heaped spoonful of mincemeat
Cut out the pie tops from the remaining pastry. If using a circle make slightly smaller than the base
Brush the pastry base edges with egg before adding the top to ensure a good seal and then apply egg wash over the whole top for a lovely glaze
Bake for 20-25 mins at 180 until golden
Finally, top up your glass again, you’ve worked hard after all!
So there you have it! Whether you have the time (or the inclination) to bake from
scratch this holiday or like me you opt to take the easier option, I wish you all
a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Don't forget to tell me your favourite bakes below and on social media using the hashtag #festivefeeling
Heidi x
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