Friday 25 March 2011

All going accrording to plan..

Really have stuck to my guns this week and got on with writing as and when I have found the time. Made some interesting developments on the novel planning front and feel ready to pick it up again next week. I really thought I had it all meticulously planned out but the more I write the more the characters are taking over and it almost seems out of my hands! It is their novel now not mine - I am just the catalyst bringing it to life!

Finally finsished preparing my entry for the Country Living Kitchen Table Talents competition. It sounded feasible enough just putting together a statement and three pieces of work but it has actually swallowed up a lot of time. I am pleased with the results however and it was refreshing to take the time to look through my work and see how diverse my endeavours are!

I am also registering to take part in the gruelling Heffers/Cambridge wordfest competition which runs from 28 March - 1 April. Gruelling because the challenge is to produce a story every day relating to a photograph published on the website ( in 100 words! Yep 100 words. Challenging to say the least! As always I'll keep you posted.


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