Monday 4 April 2011

OK, so I didn't win...

but it was fun, challenging, exciting and often frustrating! Writing a story in 100 words has made me appreciate the value of every word - none should be wasted, none should be there just for the sake of it. As writers we really do have to make every word count. My final offering was: She's armless really... I can't carry this much further. I'm going to have to put it down. My feet hurt, my arms hurt, my back aches...if someone had told me yesterday how much dismembered body parts weigh I wouldn't have let myself get talked into this...but it all happened so quickly. One minute he's there, lying to Johnny about where he's hidden the money next things his arms are wrapped in plastic and off I time to even grab my shoes... 'Lose these!' Johnny shouts. Well, he owes me big this time...

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