Saturday 1 September 2012

High hopes!

Hig hopes are exactly what I had for the last full week of the Summer holidays but alas, as with many other well intentioned plans, along came a spanner!

The final week should, in theory, have seen me printing off the final few chapters of the novel ready for the 'paper edit' at the onset of Autumn. Unfortunately however the house has not been conducive to creative thought this week and the pages remain as yet unedited. Both my son and daughter have had house guests on most days and that has meant general noise, upheaval and incredible losses on the food front.

Ordinarily a slip in the schedule would send me into a tail spin but not this time. The end of the novel needs more work than a simple punctuation check. In some places a complete re-write is necessary and therefore it will be worth waiting for the peace and calm which will enable me to focus and make a decent job of it.

My TLC Free Reads submission is almost complete and will be ready for posting by next weekend but as far as the grand finale goes that is going to take a little longer. Of course I want to see the novel finished but what would be the point of all those hours of planning and typing if it wasn't finished with the same level of committment and enthusiasm? I will of course keep you posted.


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